Friday 19 September 2014

Sasso Residency

The other week I was in Switzerland taking part in a week long residency called
'Buongiorno its Playtime' organised by Evelyne Laube, one half of the the multi-talented 'Its Raining Elephants'. 8 illustrators were invited to each run a workshop and give a presentation to the group in order to encourage an exchange of ideas, and encourage play within our work.

Here are a few photographs from the week but check here for more work and information about the Sasso residency

It was a fantastic privilege to be working alongside such a talented group of illustrators,  and really interesting to discuss ideas about illustration from a non UK perspective. 
 But don't just take my word for it, check out their work for yourself.

Orphea Heutling- spread from"Im Wildpark'

Its Raining Elephants ( Nina Wehrle and Evelyne Laube) - Spread form ' Die Grossse Flut'

Johanna Benz- spread form Pacho Rada

Mike Redmond- 'Sex Hands' album artwork

Katrin Stangl - cover for 'Kuss Mich Jeden Tag'

Nadine Spengler

Manuel Marsol -Spread from 'Ahab y la Ballena Blanca

Tuesday 16 September 2014

recent editorials

A few recent Editorials about live theatre productions of the news, the bullying of a deaf child and innovation within education

Monday 15 September 2014

NYtimes comic

Recent sequential piece for The New York Times

heres the rough versions

John Hopkins Magazine

Two pieces for  John Hopkins magazine about the global water crisis

Friday 27 June 2014

80 ways- Unpublished work

A while back I started work on a book project about transport around the world.
Unfortunately the project didn't quite work out . here are some of the spreads which where never quite complete.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Recent Editorial work

Ethos 17 Magazine ( sorry for the placeholder type)

McMurry Magazine -Social and Scientific  Principles of Diversity

Voyer Magazine - adapting to survive

5280 Magazine- tackling the difficult system in education around autism

Museum Journal Magazine

illustration about  the changes taking place in museums to make them more accessible for autistic children

How we got to now 03

The recent animation project is not  broadcast until october so no animation clips will be shown till nearer the time. As I was working on the project I took a lot of screen grabs of sequences as I was working them up. Heres two in progress.

Monday 17 March 2014


I will be in Belgium next week exhibiting some recent textiles in the group show 'First Things First' Please see the details below.

OPENING on Saturday March 22nd, with LIVE MUSIC (tba)
SHOW until April 19th, 2014: Mo-Fr 10-19h, Sa-Su 9-12h
cc Ter Dilft / Sint-Amandsesteenweg 41 / Bornem

Thursday 23 January 2014

How we got to now (02)

Here are some more style frames from the current animation project.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Mindful Magazine 01

Set of Illustrations on parenting for Mindful Magazine

Therapy today

Recent editorials for Therapy Today magazine.

Monday 20 January 2014

How we Got to Now

Since september  2013 I have been kept busy making work for an animation project. The work is for a six part TV series  produced my Nutopia  for PBS and BBC and features Steven Johnson
The Animation direction is being lead by Peepshow's very own Pete Mellor, and overall production is by Miles Donovan. The animation team is made up of the very talented  Chris Sayer, Nicol Scott, and Robert Grieves 
I cant say to much more about it at this stage other than the content is exciting and a challenge to illustrate and animate.
Below are the initial collaged images that were used at the pitch stage of the project. The idea being that these TV graphic moments  incorporate some of the archive photography used within the show.
The sequences will have to tell narratives and explain information.